France - Napoleon (Consul)

In November 1799, Napoleon was elected as First Consul and he was declared Consul for life in August 1802.

Coinage of this period follows the French Republican calendar, which is defined starting 22 September 1792 (the day after the First French Republic was declared) as the beginning of the first year (AN 1). French coinage used the latin numerals (i.e., 8, 9, 10), but for the coinage in year 11, Napoleon directed the mint to use the roman numeral “XI” instead. He was concerned that AN 11 resembled AN II, the year of the Reign of Terror and the association would make for inauspicious symbolism for his first coins.

The coinage standard used in Napoleon’s first French coins was formalized in April 1803.

Year Period
ANXI (11) 23 Sept 1802 - 23 Sept 1803
AN12 24 Sept 1803 - 23 Sept 1804

Circulation Coins

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Demi Franc (1/2 Franc)

1802-1803 (ANXI - AN12)

Quart (1/4 Franc)

1802-1803 (ANXI - AN12)